Saturday, April 3, 2010

The United States

The ABC Powers Conference

The ABC Powers stood for the three wealthiest countries in South America, Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. On May 20, 1914 the ABC Powers met in Canada to help prevent the United States and Mexico going to war over the Veracruz Incident and the Tampico Affair. On May 15, 1915 the ABC Powers met again to sign a treaty that was designed to stop outer cooperation, nonaggression and the arbitration of disputes. This treaty was made to resist the influence of America in the region and to establish a balance between the ABC powers. The official name of the treaty was the Consultation, Non-Aggression and Arbitration Pact. If the United States and Mexico would of went to war this could of effected land that the United States had depending on if they lost or won the war. The United States could be different today if that war would have taken place.

The Virgin Islands
The Virgin Islands are nine main islands and 75 islets that were explored by Columbin in 1493. They were inhabited by the Carib Indians but since 1666 England has controlled six of the main islands. The remaining three islands along with about 50 islets were controlled by Denmark. Denmark named these islands and islets the Danish West Indies. In 1917 the United States purchased these islands from Denmark for $25 million. Today many people are able to go down to the Virgin Islands for vacation or to visit.

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